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After 40 years in the IT field I made a drastic move in 2021 to work fulltime in ministry. I am the executive director of Our House Ministries. In addition to this job, I host two radio shows each Wednesday for In His Sign Catholic Radio, attend Calix Society meetings and serve on the board of the society, serve as captain if my annual men’s retreat weekend at Malvern (starts 3rd Friday of August each year). And somehow still manage to spend time with my wife, four kids and two grandkids!
Our Mission:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraphs 2013-2014, states:
“All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to be the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity.”(Lumen Gentium 40). All are called to holiness: “Be perfect as your heavenly is perfect.”(Matthew 5:48)
In order to reach this perfection the faithful should use the strength dealt out to them by Christ’s gift, so that…doing the will of the father in everything, they may wholeheartedly devote themselves to the glory of God and to the service of their neighbor. Thus the holiness of the People of God will grow in fruitful abundance, as is clearly shown in the history of the Church through the lives of so many saints. (Lumen Gentium, 40)
Spiritual progress tends toward ever more intimate union with Christ.
To that end, the mission of Not Saints Yet is to remind Christians, including those in or in need of recovery from an addiction, of the universal call to holiness. We seek to be a starting point in the recovery process and enhance the journey of those in recovery by accessing the many gifts of the Catholic Church.
We pray that through the intercession of our patron Venerable Matt Talbot that we are able to reach those seeking relief from addiction and to encourage them to consider investigating the Catholic Church to learn about all things spiritual. Fundamental to the recovery process is a spiritual awakening or spiritual experience. It is our belief that the best way to fully experience that spiritual awakening is through an encounter with Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church offers the fullness of all that Jesus Christ taught and with the Church we can meet Him personally through the Sacraments and traditions that we have practiced for over 2,000 years.